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How to Choose the Right Endocrinologist for You

Hormones have control or influence over most of our body functions. Energy levels, growth, and reproductive health are all dependent on the right hormones being secreted at the right time. Even our mental health and mood are affected by the presence of these potent biochemicals.

Hormonal imbalances can become chronic and lead to drastic changes in the way you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally. Choosing an endocrinologist providing prompt, comprehensive, and competent care throughout all phases of treatment is crucial. In addition, hormones affect the most private and sensitive functions of our bodies. Finding a specialist with whom you feel relaxed and comfortable is also important. Here are suggestions to consider.

Ask your Primary Care Doctor

Your family doctor can be an excellent starting point in your search. Primary care doctors relate to endocrinologists frequently. They also share treatment plans and outcomes with one another. Choosing a specialist your general practitioner recommends may also ensure better communication and coordination when managing chronic conditions.

Consult Association Directories

Every specialty has their own association. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has provider searches within a certain-mile radius of your location to assist you. In addition, there are also websites, such as Healthgrades, which supply vital information regarding schooling, certifications, specific areas of interest, and gender. Many of these sites also supply reviews and testimonials from patients they have served, providing insight as to bedside manner, responsiveness, and attentiveness.

Call Your Insurance Company

Choosing an in-network provider will save you both time and money, allowing you to concentrate on your treatment and recovery. Many people choose this as a starting point when conducting their search.

Research Hospital Affiliation and On-site Services

Hospital access may be required either as an inpatient or for outpatient services. Research hospitals in your area to determine which offer the highest standards and best outcomes for your condition. Many hospitals have physician referral services to connect you with endocrinologists affiliated with their system. Look for physicians performing their own testing and treatment services. Specialists with on-site labs can offer the convenience of managing your condition in-house.

Bay Area Endocrinology Associates in Tampa, Florida specializes in a comprehensive treatment approach for all thyroid conditions. On-site lab, and ultrasound services are provided, meaning shorter wait times and fewer trips to off-site diagnosing facilities. Specialty services are also available for other metabolic conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, and other hormone deficiencies.



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