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Coffee and Thyroid Medications

More than 30 million people may have undiagnosed thyroid disorder. Thyroid symptoms can be subtle or severe. Sometimes, drastic lifestyle changes can heal a thyroid disorder. However, some people need conventional treatment options. Many people treat thyroid issues with hormone replacement medications. Some people take their medication with a cup of coffee. New research has shown that coffee can interfere with thyroid medications.

Coffee and Thyroid Medication

Caffeine and decaf coffee can affect absorption. The warning might not be listed on the medication. Nevertheless, several studies have confirmed the link between coffee and thyroid medications. The medication will not work if it is not fully absorbed. Caffeine will affect your adrenal glands. The stimulant will also make you produce more adrenaline.

Options to Consider

A study found that coffee reduced hormone replacement drugs by as much as 36 percent. The amount is equivalent to skipping a pill twice a week. When your body does not absorb the medication, your TSH will increase. Your active thyroid hormones will drop. You will experience mood changes, weight gain and fatigue.

When the medication is taken with water, the medicine can be fully absorbed. If you are going to drink coffee, you should drink your coffee an hour after taking your medication. You can drink coffee first thing in the morning if you take your medication in the middle of the night. You should speak with your doctor before changing your routine.

If you want to switch to a new medication, you should ask your endocrinologist about Tirosint. Coffee does not interfere with Tirosint. The medication is safe for people who have absorption problems, digestive issues, and allergies. If your medication is not treating your symptoms, contact your Tampa endocrinologist. Your doctor will run tests and review your medical history.



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