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What To Know About Thyroid Cancer

What is Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is a condition that is caused by the overgrowth of abnormal cells in thyroid gland. The thyroid is a small gland that is located in the throat. It regulates hormones and the way the body uses energy. Thyroid cancer is relatively uncommon. Most people who see a doctor in Tampa early are able to get their condition successfully treated.

It is possible for thyroid cancer to come back after it has been treated. The cancer sometimes returns several years after it has been treated.

Causes of Thyroid Cancer

The exact causes of thyroid cancer are not known. However, changes in the DNA can contribute to thyroid cancer. Genetics also plays a role. Genes can control the way that cells multiply and divide.

Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

A lump in the neck is one of the most common signs of thyroid cancer. This lump can cause pain in the neck. Thyroid cancer can cause neck pain or ear pain. Thyroid cancer can also cause hoarseness in the voice. Additionally, coughing is another sign of thyroid cancer.

How Thyroid Cancer can be Treated

Thyroid cancer is usually treated with radioactive iodine and surgery. It usually does not require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. How far the cancer has progressed will determine the treatment that is recommended. Your endocrinologist may recommend that you join a cancer support growth. A support group can allow you to freely talk about your emotions.

Preventing Thyroid Cancer

Because the causes of thyroid cancer are not understood, there is really nothing that can be done to prevent it. Radiation exposure early in life is one of the risk factors for thyroid cancer. That is why doctors rarely use radiation to treat diseases in children. People are exposed to radiation from x-ray and CT scans. However, the radiation dose is relatively low.



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