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The Thyroid’s Affect on Weight Loss

The thyroid is a gland that produces hormones that regulate your metabolism and affect how quickly you burn calories—usually slower. So if you have hypothyroidism, you’ll gain weight because it’s harder to lose weight with a slower metabolism, although it often takes time for the weight gain to become noticeable.

It is not something most people think about when they talk about weight loss and obesity. But the idea that the thyroid affects weight loss is real. Scientists have been studying this relationship for decades to answer some of the more critical questions regarding obese patients. They still aren’t sure if there is a causal relationship between underactive thyroxine and a slower metabolic rate. Still, there is inevitably some link between these two things.

What is the thyroid?

Thyroxine produces tiny amounts of two different hormones that are important to the functioning of your body. T3 stimulating hormone – increases the rate of metabolism in all cells and therefore increases the speed at which compounds are burned up. T4 – regulates blood calcium levels and promotes growth. These hormones are important because they regulate how quickly your body burns fat and whether or not you can grow. As you can see, these things are essential for weight loss. If either of them is low, then your body won’t be able to burn fat as fast.

How does the thyroid affect weight loss?

It is responsible for regulating your metabolism. But what does that mean? Well, metabolism refers to how your body can break down compounds and produce energy. The more energy your body can use, the quicker it will burn fat.

That’s important because fat is stored in body tissues to provide an emergency source of energy when food isn’t available, and you need to be able to move. Unfortunately, if your metabolism is too slow, this emergency energy source will not be enough, and you’ll gain weight. There are two ways that the condition controls your metabolism. One of them increases metabolic rate while the other one reduces it.

1. Increasing metabolic rate

Reducing your metabolic rate is the most common way that the problem will affect your ability to lose weight. Hypothyroidism is the most common cause of an underperforming metabolism. Hypothyroidism is when there isn’t enough T3 and T4 in your body. When this happens, you’ll have a slower metabolism, and it’ll be harder for you to burn fat.

Besides having a slower metabolism, there are other effects you should understand. For example, your body will also use more of the fat you already have, and it’ll just get stored as excess. Another piece is that because fat has lower energy requirements than carbs, you’ll gain weight when your thyroid’s metabolic rate slows.

2. Decreasing metabolic rate

On the other hand, a second way affects weight loss. And this one isn’t as common, but it’s still genuine. Sometimes, there aren’t enough hormones in your body, and your metabolism will become too high, and it’ll be impossible for you to burn fat. It occurs when either the T3 or T4 levels in your body are low.

So, what causes this? It doesn’t happen to every individual, but it often happens enough to cause some concern. Sometimes, the thyroid can be damaged or destroyed, and either of these things will end up causing other problems.

The Effect on Weight Loss

Besides having a slower metabolism, there are other effects of low-functioning thyroxine that you should understand. For example, your body will also use more of the fat you already have, and it’ll just get stored as excess. Another piece is that fat has lower energy requirements than carbs; you’ll gain weight when your metabolic rate is slow.

Another effect is that your body will have a tough time using the protein in your muscles, which can lead to muscle wasting. Overall, these statements have clear implications for weight loss. The less efficient your metabolism is, the harder it’ll be to lose weight effortlessly.

What are its Symptoms?

The signs of hypothyroidism include:
Weight gain. It is the most common sign that you have a problem. You may not even realize that you’re gaining weight, but if you eat less than others and the weight goes on.
• Sleep problems. Even if you do not think you have a sleeping problem, the chances are that you will. Night snoring and other problems dealing with sleep can signify the condition.

Fatigue. Although this is only one of the symptoms, it’s an important one because it can make you lose interest in your dieting efforts, and you’ll feel tired. It might be hard to find out that you have this problem until it gets awful.

Hair loss or baldness. People with hypothyroidism lose their hair. But if you notice that your hair is getting thinner or bald patches have appeared, it’s an indication that the condition has worsened.

If you feel that you suffer from this problem creating weight problems, arrange for an appointment with an endocrinologist in the Bay area located in Tampa. They will assist you in helping your thyroid function properly again.

The ideal weight depends on genetics, activity level, emotional state, and age. The more hormones you have that regulate weight loss and metabolism, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to maintain healthy body weight while still losing weight. It isn’t always easy to find out where those hormones are located or how they control your metabolism. That’s why our professionals are here to help you!



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